Retirement Income Calculator Advanced

Use this calculator to estimate income in retirement based on current accumulated savings, future monthly savings, and other assumptions.


Based on the information and assumptions below, a person could generate retirement income of about $0 in the first year and $0 in the last year of retirement (expressed in the value of today's dollars).

How much is saved for retirement?
Current Savings


Years to Retirement

0 years

Return Before Retirement

8% per year

How much more will be saved for retirement?
Savings in Year 1

$1000 per month

Savings Increase

3% per year

Savings in Year 0

$1000 per month

Additional Saved


How much income could be generated in retirement?
Savings at Retirement


Withdrawal Method
Years in Retirement

30 years

Return During Retirement

6% per year

Inflation Rate

3% per year

Fixed Dollar Rate

4% per year

Fixed Percentage Rate

6% per year

Withdrawal Rate in Year 1


Income in Year 1


Income in Year 30


Total Withdrawals


Value at Death



This projection is for illustrative purposes only and is the result of the underlying assumptions. Actual results will vary. There is no guarantee of future results. Many other factors can affect retirement income, including taxation and the sequence of returns. Please consult with your financial advisor to develop an investment strategy to meet your specific needs.

TVM.Guru is a service of Harold Dance Investments, a broker-dealer and investment advisor registered in Utah and Idaho. If you have questions about how to use the calculator above or how to interpret its results, please send an email to

© Harold Dance Investments